REAS: from 2 to 4 October, three days of online events with the protagonists of the emergency sector
REAS has always been alongside the protagonists of emergency management. Waiting for the 2021 edition, October will in any case be a month dedicated to the operators and volunteers who animate the exhibition at the Centro Fiera di Montichiari and who, over a twenty-year history, have accompanied its growth.
From 2 to 4 October 2020, under the aegis of REAS, a program of conferences, seminars and online training courses dedicated to some key topics for the emergency sector will be proposed, also in light of the experience gained in recent months in the management of pandemic linked to Covid-19. A virtual moment to send a real message of hope and trust.
The scheduled appointments will be organized by some of the main players in the sector and can be followed for free on www.reasonline.it and www.facebook.com/fierareas.
One of the most anticipated events is the AIB national round table scheduled for Saturday 3 October starting at 10 am entitled “AIB 2020 campaign: experiences and operating methods in the Covid era“. The event promoted by La Protezione Civile Italiana magazine will see the participation of prominent forest fire prevention speakers and will be able to count on the closing intervention of the Head of the National Civil Protection Department Angelo Borrelli.
Here is the complete program.
Dr. Ezio Zorzi – Director of Centro Fiera S.p.A.;
Dr. Andreas Züge – General Manager Deutsche Messe, Hannover Fairs International GmbH ;
Ing. Dirk Aschenbrenner – President VFDB (German Association for Fire Protection)
The webinar is moderated by Franco Pasargiklian, present in the Liguria Region station.
National Civil Protection Department station: Dr. Dario Negro – Environmental, technological and forest fire prevention service;
Liguria Region workstation: Dr. Massimo Galardi – Regional AIB Manager;
Lombardy Region-Ticino Park Station: Alessandro Todaro – AIB / PC Volunteer Manager of the Ticino Park;
Puglia Region Station: Ing. Lucio Pirone – Regional Operations Room Manager;
Piedmont Region workstation: Dr. Cristina Ricaldone – Regional AIB Manager;
Tuscany Region workstation: Dr. Gianluca Calvani, regional AIB official and Dr. Leonardo Franchini, regional PC official, members of the interinstitutional technical table AIB and referents of the AIB subcommittee lead region of the PC Special Commission. The participation in the work of Dr. Gianfilippo Micillo, manager of the Planning and Coordination Office of the AIB service of the CNVVF is expected. Also present was Gabriele Salvadori, president of the Tuscan AIB Volunteer Coordination.
Dr. Angelo Borrelli, head of the National Civil Protection Department, will close the webinar.