Anpas a REAS 2021: training and communication in times of pandemics

On 9 October, the Head of Department Fabrizio Curcio and Fabrizio Pregliasco will discuss the emergency communication during the pandemic. Five training courses for visitors.

A conference on emergency communication during the pandemic and five different training moments: Anpas returns to the REAS 2021 to give continuity to the path of sharing and culture of rescue undertaken on training and communication and which, with the pandemic, projects volunteers and institutions into a future to be traveled together.

The conference.The role of communication in an emergency: what we have learned after 18 months of a health emergency and how to face the future” is the title of the conference to be held on Saturday 9 October at 2.30pm. Discussing the issue will be Fabrizio Curcio (Head of the Civil Protection Department), Fabrizio Pregliasco (virologist and president of Anpas Nazionale), Marco Lombardi (professor of Sociology and Director of the Catholic University School of Journalism); Paolo Spada (Humanitas Research Hospital cardiac surgeon and co-founder of “Pillole di Ottimismo), Luca Puleo (professor of crisis management and security and President of Anpas Lombardia).

Good road. With the road safety path “Guida x bene” (funded by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies and sponsored by the State Police) Anpas volunteers will promote virtuous behaviors aimed at correcting habits harmful to people’s health through practical demonstrations on risk awareness with experiential paths, with a car rollover simulator and an impact simulator.

The training appointments. Knowing, knowing how to do and knowing how to be are the basis of Anpas training courses. Five training sessions organized by the ANPAS Lombardia Training Center with the support of the ANPAS Lombardia Instructors and the contribution of the technical partners: “Paedriatic Basic Trauma Care – the management of trauma in the pediatric patient”, “Maxemergency: in-depth study and exercise”, “ANPAS drivers : in-depth basic course “,” Use of PPE in BLSD: in light of the Covid-19 emergency “,” Make-up course: basic module “.

Inscriptions. As for the other activities of the Fair, in compliance with current legislation, to participate in the Conference and the training sessions it is necessary to register in advance. On the site, and on the social channels all the relevant information.